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The Capoeira lineage of our group


Manuel Dos Reis Machado (Bimba) was born in 1900 in Salvador, Brazil.  He is the father of a Capoeira style called Regional. Although Capoeira was outlawed at the time, Mestre Bimba made sure to keep practicing and demonstrating the art to keep Capoeira alive. After a performance for the governor of Bahia and the president of Brazil, Bimba was not punished but instead received the approval to open the first recognized, legal school of Capoeira. Mestre Bimba almost single-handedly pulled Capoeira from the low regarded street fight of delinquents and empowered people developing Capoeira into a respected form of martial art.  With his new method, moves, emphasis on athleticism and rigorous teaching Capoeira has been officially recognized as the national sport of Brazil, and has spread all over the world. Mestre Bimba died in 1974 but his systemization and teachings of Capoeira have made a tremendous contribution to the Capoeira community, and his methods are taught until today.


 Vincente Joaquim Ferreira Pastinha was born on 1889 in Salvador. Pastinha is known as the father of traditional style Capoeira called Angola. He began learning Capoeira from an African man in his neighborhood after he noticed the young boy was being bullied by and older boy. As a young man Pastinha’s father enrolled him at The School of Sailor Apprentices were he began teaching Capoeira to his colleagues until 1912.  Pastinha then stopped teaching and left Capoiera for thirty years, until 1942 when he was invited to a Roda by one of his former students.  Later that year Pastinha opened the first Angola school, a center for the teaching and practice of traditional Capoeira, Mestre Pastinha is known as the philosopher of Capoeira for his great wisdom about the art and life . Because of his tireless teaching despite constant struggle with authorities, he became a pioneer of traditional Capoeira. His contribution to Capoeira lives on until today. Mestre Pastinha died in 1981.  “Capoeira is for man, child and woman, the only ones who do not learn it are those who do not want to.” \ Mestre Pastinha


Reinaldo Ramos Suassuna was born in the 1940’s in Salvador, Brazil. He started Capoeira with Mestre Surusu but later carried with Mestre Pastinha, Mestre Bimba, and others. Suassuna moved to Sao Paulo in 1965 and became one of the pioneers of Capoeira in the region. Along with Mestre Brazilia, Suassuna formed the Cordao De Ouro ( golden cord) Capoeira group in 1967. Mestre Suassuna is a world renowned respected Mestre because of powerful voice and admirable and influential musicality, along with his unique teaching and excellence in the art.  Mestre Suassuna has thousands of students who spread his teachings and methods all over the globe from Brazil, United States, and all over Europe. His exceptional talent and generosity continue to influence the Capoeira community.  Mestre Suassuna continues to help preserve traditional Capoeira values along with endless developments in the art. 

MESTRE Daniel Sela



Timor Klinghofer was born in 1979 in Jamaica. He began Capoeira in his teens with Mestre Edan in Israel and immediately knew that this is what he wanted to do professionally. Mestre Cueca opened his academy and began teaching the next generation of Capoeiristas. He is one of the pioneers of Capoeira in Israel for over twenty years, remarkable in his innovation, physical and intellectual accomplishments. Today Mestre Cueca has his own students teaching in Israel, Italy, India, Russia and the United States. He represents the Israeli Center for Capoeira all over the world , traveling and continuing to educate children and adults about the art of Capoeira.


Mestre Edan Harari was born in the 1970’s in Israel. Edan began Capoeira in 1992, after his military service with Daniel Sela who introduced Capoeira to Israel. Edan quickly understood that he had found a new way of life, fell in love with Capoeira and began the journey that led him to founding the Israeli Center For Capoeira.  He opened his first academy in Raanana, but very quickly expanded and began opening academies in various cities all over the country. Today, Mestre Edan has almost ten-thousand students, many of which, with his help and guidance, have opened their own academies. He has profoundly influenced the development of Capoeira  and various teaching methods for children as well as adults. In his forty’s, Mestre Edan is the highest ranking Mestre in Israel.


Baz Michaeli was born in 1982 in Israel. He was initially introduced to Capoeira at a demonstration performance at his middle school. At the age of fourteen Baz began Capoeira with Mestre Cueca and fell in love with the art form, music, community and life style. In 2005 Baz arrived at Michigan to visit family after a trip to Brazil and decided to settle here. He began his journey towards his career in Capoeira and in 2007 Baz founded The Michigan Center for Capoeira. From that day on Mestre Baz has been teaching children, teens and adults, not only the martial art of Capoeira, but the way of life a Capoeirista leads. He has a group of students that share his dream of developing Capoeira and all of its aspects including giving back to the community with performances and benefits for various causes and educative events open for all to join. Mestre Baz continues to instill his values and represent the Michigan Center for Capoeira in Michigan,the U.S and abroad.

© All rights reserved to The Michigan Center for Capoeira  | 27881 Orchard Lake Rd. Farmington Hills Mi 48334  |

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