Upcoming event
Check out all our upcoming performances on our official The Michigan Center for Capoeira Facebook Page - Click here
Past events and Performances
September 2016
Arts Beats and Eats - Capoeira performance.
Franklin Family Round up Parade - Capoeira perfomance.
Free Introduction Course for the community for Adults.
Free Introduction Course for the community for Kids.
August 2016
Capoeira Performance on "Live in the D" Channel 4 News.
Channel 4 Plaza Dayz Capoeira performance.
Show De CaPoEira - The Michigan Center for Capoeira's Annual Capoeira Show.
9th Annual Batizado and Troca de Cordão - Belt Ceremony event and workshops.
Brazilian Fever Party.
July 2016
Free Introduction Course for the community.
June 2016
Capoeira Performance at Art In The Park- Pinckney.
Capoeira performance at Canton Liberty Festival.
Detroit River Days Capoeira Peroformance.
May 2016
Free Introduction Course for the community.
April 2016
Capoeira Performance at Wayne State University.
Free Introduction Course for the community.
Performance for “Noize” event at SchoolCraft College.
March 2016
Performance at The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Fundraiser.
Performance at School Craft College Multicultural Fair.
Free Introduction Course for the community.
February 2016
Free Introduction Course for the community.
Winter Event.
Brazilian Capoeira Party.
January 2016
Free Introduction Course for the community.
November 2015
Free Introduction Course for the community in Southfield and Brighton.
October 2015
Free Introduction Course for the community in Southfield and Brighton.
September 2015
Free Introduction Course for the community
Arts, Beats and Eats - Capoeira Performance.
Franklin Family Round up Parade
July 2015
Free Introduction Course for the community
Orchard Lake Fine Art Show - Street Capoeira Performance with Batucada
Call of The Drun, Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History - Capoeira Performacne and Mini-workshop.
June 2015
Free Introduction Course for the community
Detroit River Day - Capoeira Performance.
May 2015
Free Introduction Course for the community
Relay for Life - Farmington. Capoeira performance.
April 2015
Free Introduction Course for the community
Kids Kicking Cancer - Capoeira Performance and Mini-workshop.
Gilberto Fairweather Medical Fund Fundraiser - Capoeira Performance.
March 2015
Free Introduction Course for the community
Marche Du Nain Rouge - Capoeira performance with Batucada during Parade/walk
SchoolCraft College - Multi Cultural Expo, Capoeira performance with Batucada.
January 2015
Free Introduction Course for the community
Mango Languages Holiday Party - Capoeira performance and demonstration.
The Roeper School - Capoeira demonstrations.
West Maple Elementary School - Capoeira performance.
KiddieoRama at Franklin Athletic Club - Capoeira performance.
December 2014
Free Introduction Course for the community
Cantina Diablo - Capoeira performance during Salsa Party
October 2014
1st Free Introduction Course for the community
Capoeira Performance at “Under The Big Top at Franklin Athletic Club.
August 2014
Arts, Beats and Eats - Capoeira Performance
Ethnic Taste and Tune Fest, NOVI - Capoeira Batucada Performance.
July 2014
Clawson 4th of July Parade - Capoeira Performance
May 2014
Relay for Life - Farmington, Capoeira performance.
Norte Dame Marist Academy - Capoeira performance.
Kennedy Camp - Capoeira Performance.
April 2014
FOX 2 Detroit - Capoeira Performance.
SchoolCraft College - Multi Cultural Expo, Capoeira performance with Batucada
Hoopin for Autism - Capoeira Performance w/ Batucada
March 2014
University of Michigan Dearborn - IMAX (International Music & Arts Expo) - Capoeira Demonstrations.
University of Michigan Dearborn - The Cultural Expo
Franklin Athletic Club - Open House Capoeira Demonstration.
November 2013
Capoeira Performance for the Detroit Public TV.
Reoper Elementary - Capoeira Demonstration.
October 2013
Capoeira Performance at “Under The Big Top at Franklin Athletic Club.
August 2013
Camp Lakeshore, Novi Michigan - Capoeira Performance .
Sizzling Summer, Fuerst Park, Novi Michigan - Capoeira Performance at
2013 Wooward Dream Cruise’s Kroger FAmily Fun Zone - Capoeira Performance
Arts, Beats & Eats - Rockstar Stage - 2 Capoeira Performances, Demonstration and Samba Batucada
July 2013
Capoeira Performance at the Orchard Lake Fine Art Fair.
June 2013
Capoeira Performance for West Bloomfield’s Relay For Life.
May 2013
Capoeira Performance Zumba for Wishes (Make A Wish) at Franklin Athletic Club.
Capoeira Performance for Farmington’s Relay For Life.
March 2013
Capoeira Performance at University of Michigan Dearborn’s Multi Cultural Expo.
Capoeira Performance at SchoolCraft College's Multi Cultural Festival.
February 2013
Capoeira Performances, Presentations and Workshop at Hartland High School.
Click Here to read the letter of recommendation from Hartland High school
January 2013
Capoeira Performance for Novi BasketBall Camp at Novi Middle School.
CLICK HERE to see the video from Village Oaks Elementary and the Basketball camp.
December 2012
3 Capoeira Performances, Presentations and Mini-Workshops at Village Oaks Elementary.
(9am-12pm) Click Here to read the letter of recommendation from Village Oak Elementar
November 2012
Capoeira Performances for the Birmingham Community Education at the Kids Tag Football Games. (Performances were done at halftime)
October 2012
Capoeira Performance at “Under The Big Top at Franklin Athletic Club.
Capoeira Workshops at Com Expressão Annual Event.
Capoeira Workshops at GVSU Capoeira group.
Sept 2012
Capoeira Performance for Puerto Rican Heritage Festival at Clark Park, Detroit.
Capoeira Performance at 2012 Detroit World Salsa Congress.
Capoeira Performance at Fire Up Festival in Novi.
August 2012
Capoeira Kids Workshops for Franklin Athletic Club’s Summer Camp.
July 2012
Capoeira Performance for Redford IaRt Festival
June 2012
Capoeira Performance for West Bloomfield Relay for Life at West Bloomfield High School.
May 2012
Capoeira Performance for Farmington Relay for Life at Shiawassee park.
April 2012
Capoeira Performance for Brazilian Night Fundraiser For Daniel Schneider at the Dirty Martini in Novi, MI
Capoeira Performance & Presentation for Four Corners Montessori Academy in Madison Heights, MI.
March 2012
Capoeira Performance at the Schoolcraft College Multi Cultural Fair.
December 2011
Capoeira Performance for Legacy Dance ShowCase
October 2011
Capoeira Demo for Franklin Athletic Club.
September 2011
Capoeira Performance at the Buckham Gallery in Flint, MI.
August 2011
Capoeira Performance, Workshops and participation in main show. 2011 DETROIT WORLD SALSA CONGRESS at "The Met Troy" Hotel Troy, MI.
July 2011
Capoeira performance for Hillel of Metro Detroit at Heritage Park, Farmington Hills, Michigan.
Capoeira Performance for Redford IaRt Festival
May 2011
Capoeira Demo for Walled Lake Relay for life
Capoeira Demo for Farmington Relay for Life.
March 2011
Capoeira Performance for the West Bloomfield Wellness Fair at West Maple Elementary School, Bloomfield Hills, MI.
Capoeira Performance at the Schoolcraft College Multi Cultural Fair.
January 2011
Capoeira Performance for Franklin Athletic Club.
October 2010
Capoeira Master Class / Clinic at Saginaw University.
September 2010
Capoeira Performance for the Emerge and See - Live Art & Music Fusion Festival at The Crofoot, Pontiac MI
Capoeira Performance and Workshop at SchoolCraft College Daze Event
Capoeira Performance for “Light the Night Walk Fundraiser” for the Leukemia and Lymphoma society at the Memorial Park in royal oak, MI
August 2010
Capoeira Performance for Franklin Athletic Club
Capoeira Performance for Troy Dance Studio showcase at the Radisson Hotel in Livonia, MI.
July 2010
Capoeira Demo for Redford IaRt Festival
June 2010
Capoeira Demo for Relay for Life at West BloomField high School.
Capoeira performance at “Art on the Grand” in Farmington
Capoeira Demo at Novi Farmers Market and international Street Fair
Capoeira Performance at Positive Attitude Dance Academy's Recital.
Capoeira Demo at the Liberty Festival in Canton.
Capoeira Demo JAFAX 15 at GVSU
Participation in the “Capoeira: A 500 year Old Grass Roots Organizational Platform” presentation for the US Social Forum at Cobo Hall in Detroit, MI
Capoeira Performance at the Livonia Spree
Capoeira Performance for “Family Fun & Safety Night" at the Southfield municipal complex
May 2010
Capoeira Performance, Workshops and participation in main show of the 2010 DETROIT WORLD SALSA CONGRESS in Livonia, M
Capoeira Performance for Relay for Life in Downtown Farmington.
Capoeira Performance for the Farmington arts festival at Farmington Hills Costick Center.
April 2010
Capoeira Performance at the Schoolcraft College Multi Cultural Fair. Livonia, MIClick Here for letter of recommendation from School Craft College
Farmington arts festival at Farmington Hills Costick Center.
Capoeira Demonstration for West Bloomfield Wellness Fair at West Maple Elementary in Bloomfield hills, MI.
Jan. 2010
Capoeira workshop and performance for “Noize” event at SchoolCraft College.
Capoeira performances and classes as part of after school program at Adat Shalom Synagogue.
Capoeira Class in Hebrew for Kid at Temple Israel.
July 2009
Capoeira Performance for Miss Farmington Pageant at the Farmington Civic Theater.
June 2009
Capoeira Performance and workshop for Farmington Hills YMAC Summer camp.
March 2009
Capoeira Master Class (Workshop) for Oakland University Dance Department.Click Here for letter of recommendation from OU Dance Department
Jan. 2009
Capoeira Lecture, presentation and mini-workshop for Oakland University “Music of the Americas” African Origins” Class.Click here for letter of recommendation
Capoeira Demonstration for the Hillel Day School.Click Here to read the letter of recommendation from Hillel
Oct. 2008
Capoeira Workshop for Oakland Dance Theatre Company of Oakland University, Rochester, MI.
March 2008
Capoeira demo for Relay For Life Kick-Off Celebration at Grandview Elementary Livonia, MI.
Jan. 2008
Workshop for Girls Empowered at Vista Maria.